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Sydney Muscle & Joint Clinic Blog

Management of ITB Syndrome | Physio Penrith
As a practicising Chiropractor in Penrith and as a keen runner and cyclist, ITB syndrome is a common condition that Toby encounters....

Management of Back Pain | Physio Penrith
Spinal pain can be from a number of different pathologies, injuries or impairments and should usually be triaged into three main...

Assessment of Hip & Groin Pain | Physiotherapy Penrith
Hip and groin pain can be the result of a number of different pathologies and injuries and will usually present with pain, stiffness,...

Clinical Assessment of Acute Cervical Spine Trauma | Chiropractor Penrith
In a recent meta-analysis of 65 studies including almost 282 000 trauma patients, it was found that cervical spine injury occurs in 3.7%...

Exercise for Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis | Physio Penrith
Osteoarthritis is characterised by ongoing pain, physical limitations and depression, which can affect an individual's ability to engage...

Effects of Intensive Diet and Exercise on Knee Joint Loads | Chiropractor Penrith
Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of chronic pain, disability and reduced function among older adults, with knee osteoarthritis being...

Why Imaging Is Not Relevant For Knee Osteoarthritis- Physio Penrith
There is a widespread belief that there is a high discordance between clinical and radiographic knee osteoarthritis. Knee pain is an...

Best Practice Approach For Shoulder Pain | Chiropractor Penrith
Shoulder pain presentations are a common presenting complaint in a clinical setting and some research suggests of the individuals that...

Fix Plantar Fasciitis With Strength Training | Physio Penrith
Plantar fasciitis (PF) is the most commonly reported cause of inferior heel pain, and is thought to be due to poor tissue tolerance,...

An Painful & Unstable Shoulder | Physio Penrith
Shoulder pain with feelings of an unstable joint will usually mean you have a condition called glenohumeral instability. Symptoms may...

Rehabilitation of Low Back Pain | Physio Penrith
Low back pain is the leading cause of years lived with disability, with a lifetime prevalence of up to 39%. Moreover, with an ageing...

Loading Principles For Achilles Tendinopathy | Chiropractor Penrith
Much of the tendinopathy research suggests that we need to settle the tendon down and then build it back up with progressive loading...

What You Can Do About Knee Osteoarthritis | Physio Penrith
Osteoarthritis is a complex and multifactorial disease in which the knee is a frequently affected joint. Knee osteoarthritis can occur in...
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