Do I Have Knee Osteoarthritis | Physiotherapy Treatment
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Do You Have Knee Osteoarthritis?

Do You Have Knee Osteoarthritis?

Diagnosing knee osteoarthritis

A clinical diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis can be made with the following: the individual is aged 50 years or older, has activity-related joint pain, has morning stiffness that lasts <30 minutes, has crepitus on active motion, has restricted movement (will often have flexion contracture and bony enlargement and has no detectable warmth. A typical knee osteoarthritis diagnosis can be made without requiring further investigations and most often plain radiograph (x-ray) or MRI is not needed.


Diagnostic criteria of knee osteoarthritis is based on history, physical examination, radiographic findings and laboratory findings:


1. Do you have knee pain?


2. Are you aged over 50 years?


3. Do you have morning stiffness that lasts for less than 30 minutes of a morning?


4. Do you have crepitus on active motion- defined as any grinding, creaking, cracking, grating, crunching, or popping that occurs when moving a joint?


5. You have no palpable warmth of synovium- defined as your knee is not warm to the touch?


6. Do you have bony tenderness about the knee?


7. On x-ray do you have any bony enlargements or osteophytes?


8. On blood tests is your ESR <40mm/hour?


9. Is your rheumatoid factor (RF)  less than 1:40?​


If you answered "yes" to the majority of these questions, it is likely you have knee osteoarthritis contributing to your knee pain.

Physio Penrith osteoarthris.png

X-ray findings showing bony enlargements, osteophytes and joint space narrowing.

Physio Penrith knee flexion contracture

Flexion contracture can be a presenting symptom in an osteoarthritic knee.

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