Physio Penrith Mid Back Pain Treatments
Mid Back Pain Conditions Treated at Sydney Muscle & Joint Physio Penrith
Mid back pain and stiffness
Mid back pain and stiffness is an extremely common complaint and can contribute to neck and low back pain. Sydney Muscle & Joint Clinic Penrith is an evidence based physiotherapy, exercise physiology and chiropractic practice in Penrith, which means we use techniques proven to work directed at your impairments. Impairments in the mid back may include pain, stiffness, muscle tightness and restricted range of motion.
Treatment options for mid back pain and stiffness will include both passive and active interventions and will include joint manipulation and mobilisation, soft tissue work, dynamic mobility, McKenzie Method and specific thoracic and trunk interventions. These techniques are proven to work for pain, joint stiffness, muscle tightness and restricted ranges of motion.
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a upper thoracic and/or lower cervical disorder caused by thoracic outlet compression of the brachial plexus and/or the subclavian vessels. Compression of the nerves as they exit the spine is the most common manifestation and this is called neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome, presenting with pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, and vasomotor changes of the upper extremity.
Compression may occur at three distinct points in the thoracic outlet: the interscalene triangle, the costoclavicular space, and the retropectoralis minor space. The interscalene triangle consists of the anterior scalene muscle, the middle scalene muscle, and the first rib. The costoclavicular space is made up anteriorly by the clavicle, the subclavius muscle, and the costocoracoid ligament, posteriorly by the first rib and the anterior and middle scalene muscles, and laterally by the scapula. Finally, the retropectoralis minor space is located inferior to the coracoid process, anterior to the second through fourth ribs, and posterior to the pectoralis minor muscle. Read more.
Mid back stiffness
Thoracic spinal stiffness can be defined as a reduced joint range of motion in the mid back region of the spine. Typically thoracic extension and rotation will be most restricted and can present as pain, stiffness, muscular tightness and restricted range of motion. Some research has shown an increase in thoracic muscle activity in those that complain of stiffness. Whilst the correlation between thoracic restricted range of motion and neck pain was investigated by Falla et al. [18] who investigated the amount of trunk rotation during a walking task in neck pain individuals and healthy, pain-free controls. It was concluded that the participants with neck pain had reduced trunk rotations compared to asymptomatic controls during any speed of walking. Read more.
Thoracic zygapophyseal joint mediated pain
Thoracic facet joint pain (thoracic facet syndrome) refers to pain arising from the vertebral facets (zygapophyseal, z-joints) in the mid back region. This type of pain results from abnormal loading and excessive biomechanical stress secondary to poor posture, trauma (eg, whiplash), inflammation and/or degenerative facet arthropathy. Thoracic zygapophyseal joint mediated pain is usually the result of years of accumulated repetitive strain and micro-trauma. In response to repetitive strain or an acute tearing of the joint capsule or stretching it beyond its limits, the synovial joints fill with fluid and distend, resulting in pain associated with this capsular stretch. Clinical features include local pain and limited range of motion. Read more.
Costovertebral and costotransverse joint mediated pain
The costovertebral and costotransverse joints are the articulations that connect the ribs with the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae and transverse processes. The costovertebral and costotransverse joints also significantly contribute to the stability and movement of the thoracic spine, which is not limited to motion of the ribs, it has been well established that these joints may produce clinically significant thoracic (mid) back pain. The provoked pain patterns of thoracic facet joints overlap considerably in the thoracic area, and no referral zone can be attributed solely to one joint. In contrast to the thoracic facet joint, the costotransverse joint pain pattern is very localised and presents with mainly unilateral symptoms which are limited to the affected costotransverse joint. The costovertebral joint pain pattern sometimes radiates to the anterior chest area, similar to visceral-origin chest pain, which is called atypical chest pain and pseudo- angina. Read more.