A recent article concluded that performance on the 1-leg-rise test was the only functional performance outcome to predict worse knee symptoms or function in post-ACLR patients.
Specifically, the inability to complete >22 1-leg rises 1 year after ACLR led to a KOOS-QOL score 6.5 points lower than those who performed >22 1-leg rises.
Meaning those that could perform >22 had better knee-related quality of life.
I think this is a good outcome measure for anyone with lower limb injuries and should be encouraged as an exercise to perform as part of any rehab or general strength program.
At Sydney Muscle & Joint Clinic our approach is consistent, high quality and based on the best scientific knowledge. We deliver evidence-based physiotherapy, exercise physiology and chiropractic for a range of musculoskeletal conditions, which means you get an approach that is effective, safe, and efficient. Contact your local Penrith physio today.

Culvenor A, Collins N, Guermazi A, et al. Early Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis Features One Year After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Symptoms and Quality of Life at Three Years. Arthritis Care & Research 2016; 68 (6): 784–792.